Showing entries 81 - 100 out of 162
Kirchebner J, Sonnweber M, Nater UM, Günther M, Lau S. Stress, Schizophrenia, and Violence: A Machine Learning Approach. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2022 Jan;37(1-2):602-622. doi: 10.1177/0886260520913641
Ali N, Skoluda N, Strahler J, Nater UM. Associations between fatigue and endocrine functioning in chronically stressed individuals. 2022. Paper presented at EAPM, Wien, Austria.
Ali N, Skoluda N, Strahler J, Nater UM. Associations between fatigue and endocrine functioning in chronically stressed individuals. 2022. Paper presented at 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting of American Psychosomatic Society (APS), Long Beach, California, United States.
Nater-Mewes R, Feneberg A, Wagner-Doerr JM, Nater UM. Einfluss spezifischer psychologischer Faktoren auf die Belastung durch körperliche Beschwerden im Alltag von Personen mit Somatischer Belastungsstörung. 2022. Deutscher Psychotherapie Kongress 2022, Berlin, Germany.
Mann C, Schloß S, Cosan AS, Becker K, Skoluda N, Nater UM et al.. Haarkortisolkonzentration und neurokognitive Funktionen bei Vorschulkindern mit erhöhten ADHS-Symptomen. 2022. XXXVI. DGKJP Kongress, Magdeburg, Germany.
Wuttke-Linnemann A, Henrici C, Skoluda N, Nater UM, Endres K, Fellgiebel A. Psychobiological Monitoring of a Home-Based Dyadic Intervention for People Living with Dementia and Their Caregivers: Added Value to Evaluate Treatment Success and Understand Underlying Mechanisms. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 2022;87(4):1725-1739. doi: 10.3233/JAD-210618
Mües H, Markert C, Feneberg A, Nater UM. The interaction between stress and sexual experience and behavior – An ecological momentary assessment study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research . 2022;157:110886. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2022.110886
Feneberg A, Mewes R, Wagner-Doerr JM, Nater UM. The effects of music listening on somatic symptoms and stress markers in the everyday life of women with somatic complaints and depression. Scientific Reports. 2021 Dec 15;11:24062. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-03374-w
Özlü-Erkilic Z, Kothgassner OD, Wenzel T, Goreis A, Chen A, Ceri V et al. Does the Progression of the COVID-19 Pandemic Have an Influence on the Mental Health and Well-Being of Young People? A Cross-Sectional Multicenter Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021 Dec 4;18(23):12795. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182312795
Kothgassner OD, Goreis A, Glenk LM, Kafka JX, Pfeffer B, Beutl L et al. Habituation of salivary cortisol and cardiovascular reactivity to a repeated real-life and virtual reality Trier Social Stress Test. Physiology & Behavior. 2021 Dec 1;242:113618. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2021.113618
Feneberg A, Forbes P, Lamm C, Piperno G, Pronizius E, Silani G et al. Abstracts of the WASAD Congress 2021: an International Congress of the World Association for Stress Related and Anxiety Disorders, held on 20-22 September 2021 in Vienna, Austria. Journal of Neural Transmission. 2021 Nov;128(11):1772. doi: 10.1007/s00702-021-02422-z
Feneberg AC, Forbes P, Piperno G, Pronizius E, Stijovic A, Skoluda N et al. Diurnal Dynamics of Stress and Mood during Covid-19 Lockdown - An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study. PsyArXiv. 2021 Oct 13. doi: 10.31234/
Goreis A, Nater UM, Nater-Mewes R. Effects of chronic ethnic discrimination in the daily life of Turkish immigrants living in Austria: Study protocol of a 30-day ambulatory assessment study. BMJ Open. 2021 Oct 7;11(10). doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-046697
Tschenett H, Funk GC, Vafai-Tabrizi F, Nater UM. A brief digital mindfulness-based intervention for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Protocol and preliminary results of a pilot randomized controlled trial: Abstracts of the WASAD Congress 2021: an International Congress of the World Association for Stress Related and Anxiety Disorders, held on 20–22 September 2021 in Vienna, Austria. Journal of Neural Transmission. 2021 Oct 5;128(11):1771. 12. doi: 10.1007/s00702-021-02422-z
Hirsch S, Feneberg AC, Nater-Mewes R, Nater UM. Abstracts of the WASAD Congress 2021: an International Congress of the World Association for Stress Related and Anxiety Disorders, held on 20-22 September 2021 in Vienna, Austria. Journal of Neural Transmission. 2021 Oct 5;128:1767-1812. doi: 10.1007/s00702-021-02422-z
Mües H, Markert C, Feneberg A, Nater UM. An investigation into the bi-directional association of stress and sexuality using an ecological momentary assessment approach: Abstracts of the WASAD Congress 2021: an International Congress of the World Association for Stress Related and Anxiety Disorders, held on 20–22 September 2021 in Vienna, Austria. Journal of Neural Transmission. 2021 Oct 5;128(11):1777-1777. 26. doi: 10.1007/s00702-021-02422-z
Song Y, Skoluda N, Nater UM. Can using music for relaxing purposes impact stress recovery? Abstracts of the WASAD Congress 2021: an International Congress of the World Association for Stress Related and Anxiety Disorders, held on 20–22 September 2021 in Vienna, Austria. JOURNAL OF NEURAL TRANSMISSION. 2021 Oct 5;128(11):1768-1768. doi: 10.1007/s00702-021-02422-z
Stijovic A, Forbes P, Tomova L, Skoluda N, Feneberg A, Piperno G et al. Effects of social isolation on stress, mood, and motivation: evidence from laboratory and field studies: Abstracts of the WASAD Congress 2021: an International Congress of the World Association for Stress Related and Anxiety Disorders, held on 20-22 September 2021 in Vienna, Austria. JOURNAL OF NEURAL TRANSMISSION. 2021 Oct 5;128:1781. doi: 10.1007/s00702-021-02422-z
Goreis A, Nater U, Mewes R. Psychobiological effects of chronic ethnic discrimination in Turkish immigrants: stress responses to standardized face-to-face discrimination in the laboratory. JOURNAL OF NEURAL TRANSMISSION. 2021 Oct 5;128(11):1773-1774. 18. doi: 10.1007/s00702-021-02422-z
Showing entries 81 - 100 out of 162
Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 121
Auf das Miteinander kommt es an – Befunde aus dem Alltag zu psychobiologischen Korrelaten der Beziehungsqualität zwischen Menschen mit Demenz und ihren Angehörigen
Svenja Palm
J Dürksen-Ortiz
Katharina Geschke
Kristina Endres
Nadine Skoluda
Urs Markus Nater
Andreas Fellgiebel
Alexandra Wuttke
Deutscher Psychotherapie Kongress 2025
Talk or oral contribution
8.4.2025 - 8.4.2025
Moving towards stress management in everyday life – A mixed methods pilot study on the feasibility and effects of an ecological momentary intervention
Hannah Tschenett
Aljoscha Dreisörner
Katrin Schäfer
Ricarda Nater-Mewes
Urs Markus Nater
19. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verhaltensmedizin und Verhaltensmodifikation e.V. (DGVM) 2024
Talk or oral contribution
10.10.2024 - 10.10.2024
Perceptions of mental health and attitudes towards seeking mental health services in Syrian refugees in Austria
Rojan Amini-Nejad
Urs Markus Nater
Ricarda Nater-Mewes
19. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verhaltensmedizin und Verhaltensmodifikation e.V. (DGVM) 2024
Talk or oral contribution
10.10.2024 - 10.10.2024
The Role of Stress in Premenstrual Symptomatology: Findings from a Systematic Review and Comprehensive Meta-Analysis
Celine Bencker
Ulrich Tran
Leopold Roth
Sibel Nayman
Urs Markus Nater
19. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verhaltensmedizin und Verhaltensmodifikation e.V. (DGVM) 2024
Talk or oral contribution
10.10.2024 - 10.10.2024
An Ecological momentary intervention for the reduction of impairment in Somatic Symptom Disorder: A Study Protocol
Nadja Plumbaum
Urs Markus Nater
Ricarda Nater-Mewes
19. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verhaltensmedizin und Verhaltensmodifikation e.V. (DGVM) 2024
Talk or oral contribution
9.10.2024 - 9.10.2024
Stress nach der Flucht - Eine Ecological Momentary Assessment-Studie zu den Auswirkungen von Postmigrationsstress auf die psychische Gesundheit
Rojan Amini-Nejad
Urs Markus Nater
Ricarda Nater-Mewes
19. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verhaltensmedizin und Verhaltensmodifikation e.V. (DGVM) 2024
Poster presentation
9.10.2024 - 11.10.2024
19. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verhaltensmedizin und Verhaltensmodifikation e.V. (DGVM) 2024
Rojan Amini-Nejad
19. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verhaltensmedizin und Verhaltensmodifikation e.V. (DGVM) 2024
Participation in ...
9.10.2024 - 11.10.2024
Ecological Momentary Music Intervention zur Stressreduktion im Alltag chronisch diskriminierter Frauen
Stefanie Hirsch
Anja Feneberg
Nadine Skoluda
Urs Markus Nater
Ricarda Nater-Mewes
53rd DGPs Congress/15th ÖGP Conference
Talk or oral contribution
19.9.2024 - 19.9.2024
Perceptions of mental health and attitudes towards seeking mental health services in Syrian refugees in Austria
Rojan Amini-Nejad
53rd DGPs Congress/15th ÖGP Conference
Talk or oral contribution
19.9.2024 - 19.9.2024
Premenstrual Symptoms and Stress: A Meta-Analytic Investigation
Celine Bencker
Ulrich Tran
Leopold Roth
Sibel Nayman
Urs Markus Nater
53. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)
Talk or oral contribution
19.9.2024 - 19.9.2024
Reduction of impairment caused by somatic symptoms in stressed individuals: A Study Protocol
Nadja Plumbaum
Aljoscha Dreisörner
Hannah Tschenett
Urs Markus Nater
Ricarda Nater-Mewes
53. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)
Talk or oral contribution
19.9.2024 - 19.9.2024
Customizing stress management in everyday life – A mixed methods pilot study on the feasibility and effects of an ecological momentary intervention.
Hannah Tschenett
Aljoscha Dreisörner
Katrin Schäfer
Ricarda Nater-Mewes
Urs Markus Nater
53rd Congress of the German Psychological Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie, DGPs)/15th Conference of the Austrian Psychological Society (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Psychologie, ÖGP),
Talk or oral contribution
16.9.2024 - 19.9.2024
Trajectories of fatigue and their influence on stress, anxiety, and mood during the COVID-19 lockdowns: an ecological momentary assessment study
Aljoscha Dreisörner
Anja Feneberg
Paul Forbes
Ekaterina Pronizius
Giulio Piperno
Ana Stijovic
Nadine Skoluda
Claus Lamm
Giorgia Silani
Urs Markus Nater
53. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)
Talk or oral contribution
15.9.2024 - 15.9.2024
Unbreak your heart: the effect of self-compassion on negative emotions and experiences during breakup of a romantic relationship
Aljoscha Dreisörner
Klara Oprsalova
Kerry Sherman
Urs Markus Nater
53. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)
Talk or oral contribution
15.9.2024 - 15.9.2024
53rd DGPs Congress/15th ÖGP Conference
Stefanie Hirsch
53rd DGPs Congress/15th ÖGP Conference
Participation in ...
15.9.2024 - 19.9.2024
Pilot study of an ecological momentary music intervention to reduce stress of Turkish immigrant women
Stefanie Hirsch
Anja Feneberg
Nadine Skoluda
Urs Markus Nater
Ricarda Nater-Mewes
3rd annual doctoral conference - VDS CoBeNe PhD Academy
Talk or oral contribution
2.2.2024 - 2.2.2024
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (Journal)
Aljoscha Dreisörner
Publication peer-review
12.1.2024 - 12.1.2024
Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science (Journal)
Aljoscha Dreisörner
Publication peer-review
8.1.2024 - 8.1.2024
Cognition & Emotion (Journal)
Aljoscha Dreisörner
Publication peer-review
29.12.2023 - 29.12.2023