
Feneberg A, Forbes P, Piperno G, Pronizius E, Stijovic A, Skoluda N et al. Diurnal dynamics of stress and mood during COVID-19 lockdown: a large multinational ecological momentary assessment study. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2022 May 25;289(1975):20212480. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2021.2480

Doerr JM, Klaus K, Troxel W, Nater UM, Bodenmann G, Heinrichs M et al. The Effect of Intranasal Oxytocin on the Association Between Couple Interaction and Sleep: A Placebo-Controlled Study. Psychosomatic Medicine. 2022 Apr 27;84(6):727-737. doi: 10.1097/PSY.0000000000001091

Stijovic A, Forbes P, Tomova L, Skoluda N, Feneberg AC, Piperno G et al. Homeostatic regulation of energetic arousal during acute social isolation-converging evidence from the lab and the field. PsyArXiv. 2022 Mar 9. doi: 10.31234/

Cosan AS, Schloß S, Becker K, Skoluda N, Nater UM, Pauli-Pott U. Increased hair cortisol in mothers of children with ADHD symptoms and psychosocial adversity background. Journal of Neural Transmission. 2022 Mar;129(3):353-360. doi: 10.1007/s00702-022-02463-y

Feneberg AC, Stijovic A, Forbes P, Lamm C, Piperno G, Pronizius E et al. Stress and mood regulation using music in times of COVID-19 lockdown: an ecological momentary assessment study. PsyArXiv. 2022 Feb 27. doi: 10.31234/

Zietlow AL, Woll CFJ, Nonnenmacher N, Müller M, Labonte V, Ditzen B et al. Study protocol of the COMPARE-Interaction study. The impact of maternal comorbid depression and anxiety disorders in the peripartum period on child development. BMJ Open. 2022 Jan 20;12(1):e050437. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-050437


Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 121

Auf das Miteinander kommt es an – Befunde aus dem Alltag zu psychobiologischen Korrelaten der Beziehungsqualität zwischen Menschen mit Demenz und ihren Angehörigen

Svenja Palm , J Dürksen-Ortiz , Katharina Geschke , Kristina Endres , Nadine Skoluda , Urs Markus Nater , Andreas Fellgiebel , Alexandra Wuttke
Deutscher Psychotherapie Kongress 2025
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
8.4.2025 - 8.4.2025

Moving towards stress management in everyday life – A mixed methods pilot study on the feasibility and effects of an ecological momentary intervention

Hannah Tschenett , Aljoscha Dreisörner , Katrin Schäfer , Ricarda Nater-Mewes , Urs Markus Nater
19. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verhaltensmedizin und Verhaltensmodifikation e.V. (DGVM) 2024
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
10.10.2024 - 10.10.2024

Perceptions of mental health and attitudes towards seeking mental health services in Syrian refugees in Austria

Rojan Amini-Nejad , Urs Markus Nater , Ricarda Nater-Mewes
19. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verhaltensmedizin und Verhaltensmodifikation e.V. (DGVM) 2024
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
10.10.2024 - 10.10.2024

The Role of Stress in Premenstrual Symptomatology: Findings from a Systematic Review and Comprehensive Meta-Analysis

Celine Bencker , Ulrich Tran , Leopold Roth , Sibel Nayman , Urs Markus Nater
19. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verhaltensmedizin und Verhaltensmodifikation e.V. (DGVM) 2024
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
10.10.2024 - 10.10.2024

An Ecological momentary intervention for the reduction of impairment in Somatic Symptom Disorder: A Study Protocol

Nadja Plumbaum , Urs Markus Nater , Ricarda Nater-Mewes
19. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verhaltensmedizin und Verhaltensmodifikation e.V. (DGVM) 2024
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
9.10.2024 - 9.10.2024

Stress nach der Flucht - Eine Ecological Momentary Assessment-Studie zu den Auswirkungen von Postmigrationsstress auf die psychische Gesundheit

Rojan Amini-Nejad , Urs Markus Nater , Ricarda Nater-Mewes
19. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verhaltensmedizin und Verhaltensmodifikation e.V. (DGVM) 2024
Conference, Poster presentation
9.10.2024 - 11.10.2024

19. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verhaltensmedizin und Verhaltensmodifikation e.V. (DGVM) 2024

Rojan Amini-Nejad
19. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verhaltensmedizin und Verhaltensmodifikation e.V. (DGVM) 2024
Conference, Participation in ...
9.10.2024 - 11.10.2024

Ecological Momentary Music Intervention zur Stressreduktion im Alltag chronisch diskriminierter Frauen

Stefanie Hirsch , Anja Feneberg , Nadine Skoluda , Urs Markus Nater , Ricarda Nater-Mewes
53rd DGPs Congress/15th ÖGP Conference
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
19.9.2024 - 19.9.2024

Perceptions of mental health and attitudes towards seeking mental health services in Syrian refugees in Austria

Rojan Amini-Nejad
53rd DGPs Congress/15th ÖGP Conference
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
19.9.2024 - 19.9.2024

Premenstrual Symptoms and Stress: A Meta-Analytic Investigation

Celine Bencker , Ulrich Tran , Leopold Roth , Sibel Nayman , Urs Markus Nater
53. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
19.9.2024 - 19.9.2024

Reduction of impairment caused by somatic symptoms in stressed individuals: A Study Protocol

Nadja Plumbaum , Aljoscha Dreisörner , Hannah Tschenett , Urs Markus Nater , Ricarda Nater-Mewes
53. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
19.9.2024 - 19.9.2024

Customizing stress management in everyday life – A mixed methods pilot study on the feasibility and effects of an ecological momentary intervention.

Hannah Tschenett , Aljoscha Dreisörner , Katrin Schäfer , Ricarda Nater-Mewes , Urs Markus Nater
53rd Congress of the German Psychological Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie, DGPs)/15th Conference of the Austrian Psychological Society (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Psychologie, ÖGP),
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
16.9.2024 - 19.9.2024

Trajectories of fatigue and their influence on stress, anxiety, and mood during the COVID-19 lockdowns: an ecological momentary assessment study

Aljoscha Dreisörner , Anja Feneberg , Paul Forbes , Ekaterina Pronizius , Giulio Piperno , Ana Stijovic , Nadine Skoluda , Claus Lamm , Giorgia Silani , Urs Markus Nater
53. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
15.9.2024 - 15.9.2024

Unbreak your heart: the effect of self-compassion on negative emotions and experiences during breakup of a romantic relationship

Aljoscha Dreisörner , Klara Oprsalova , Kerry Sherman , Urs Markus Nater
53. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
15.9.2024 - 15.9.2024

53rd DGPs Congress/15th ÖGP Conference

Stefanie Hirsch
53rd DGPs Congress/15th ÖGP Conference
Conference, Participation in ...
15.9.2024 - 19.9.2024

PLoS ONE (Journal)

Aljoscha Dreisörner
Publication peer-review
26.2.2024 - 26.2.2024

Pilot study of an ecological momentary music intervention to reduce stress of Turkish immigrant women

Stefanie Hirsch , Anja Feneberg , Nadine Skoluda , Urs Markus Nater , Ricarda Nater-Mewes
3rd annual doctoral conference - VDS CoBeNe PhD Academy
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
2.2.2024 - 2.2.2024

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (Journal)

Aljoscha Dreisörner
Publication peer-review
12.1.2024 - 12.1.2024

Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science (Journal)

Aljoscha Dreisörner
Publication peer-review
8.1.2024 - 8.1.2024

Cognition & Emotion (Journal)

Aljoscha Dreisörner
Publication peer-review
29.12.2023 - 29.12.2023

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 121